Sunday, February 25, 2007

Pole Beans

Pole Beans
How To Grow Pole Beans
Pole beans are among the few vegetables that add a sense of height to the garden. Pole beans can climb up stakes or fence supports, or even scale corn stalks. If growing space is limited, pole beans are the answer. While pole beans are planted later than snap beans, pole beans yield over a longer period of time and frequent picking encourages more production. Pole beans rarely need any assistance once they've started.

Light: Full Sun
Soil: Well-drained, deep sandy loam
Fertility: Medium-rich
pH: 6.0-7.0
Soil Temperature (°F): 60-65
Moisture: Average
Maturity in days: 65-80

Planting Pole Beans:
Plant pole beans 2” deep on slight hills around poles or teepees spaced at 16” apart. Grow 4-8 seeds on each hill. Space pole beans 3” apart if growing on a fence. Sow after all danger of frost is over and the soil is warm, 18°C (65°F).

Growing Pole Beans:
Pole beans prefer an area with full sun and a rich, deeply worked soil with a pH level of 6.5. Pole beans are light feeders. The poles, teepees or a trellis should be erected after 2-4 leaves have developed. Hoe to kill weeds. A mulch of compost, or straw is beneficial to control weeds and hold moisture. Keep the plants well watered in dry weather, especially if they are grown on an upright trellis or poles against a shed or house where soil tends to dry out.

Harvesting Pole Beans:
Pick young, full size pods when smooth and crisp. Pole beans pods are over mature once the beans start to form. Harvest pole beans regularly for a constant supply. Scarlet Runner Pole beans will produce abundant, gorgeous red flowers if the beans are continually picked.

Pole Bean Companions:
Pole beans do well with carrot, corn, chard, pea, potato, eggplant. Avoid cabbage & onion family.

Sowing Rate:
Seed Suppliers vary - check seed package from your supplier or their website.


Carol Michel said...

Just wanted to let you know that I added a link to your blog on my blog under "Other Hoosier Gardeners".

By the way, I tried pole beans last year, but got very few beans. Not sure why, but I'm going to try again this summer.

steven wilson said...

Hi Carol
Nice of you to stop by today.I thank you for the link at your site.I wish you the best with your pole beans this year they do well most of the time.
Steven Wilson

Anonymous said...

My pole beans climbed up the teepee I made for them and looked great but I didn't get many beans.

I didn't try the hilling method that you mentioned though. I'll give that a shot this year.

steven wilson said...

I usually just stretch a roll of woven wire fence the length of the garden with soil hilled on each side.Then plant on both sides of fence.


Pandoras daughter said...

I love your article on pole beans. I tried growing them for the first time last year. Do you have a favourite variety and brand that is available in Ontario Canada?